Pure Life
Juice Cleanse

Transform your Body, Mind & Spirit!

Jumpstart your life transformation today with the ultimate Pure Life Juice Cleanse TM protocol to help you 

🌿 Activate Your Inner Power

🌿 Elevate Your Lifestyle Habits

🌿 Get Clarity to Focus on Your Life's Purpose

🌿 Transcend the Past 

🌿 Create Your New Future

Customize your cleanse experience with 3 levels to choose from: 

  1. Basic
  2. Liver Detox
  3. Colon Cleanse

Change your body and change your life, with this wholisitic mind-body cleanse designed to remove physical stagnation AND mental/emotional energy blocks so you can tap into your body wisdom, access inner guidance and align with your higher purpose. 

Get energized and inspired to live a High Vibe Life!

Your Wellness Coach

Siddheshwari Devi


Siddheshwari Devi

Greetings, My name is Siddheshwari Devi and I'm here to help you CHANGE your LIFE! We are in the midst of a massive awakening process on Earth, which affects us individually and collectively. This process can be both exciting and challenging. As a multidimensional being, your transformation process is happening on ALL levels (body, mind and spirit). So it is essential to bring awareness and positive intention to each dimension of your life in order to inspire and empower you to live your best life possible. This is what wholistic transformation is all about. As a Yoga Teacher, Wellness Coach & Midwife for Awakening, my role is to hold sacred space and help guide you on your journey. To help you activate your own inner power and align with your true purpose to achieve your highest potential and the greatest positive impact on humanity. I combine my background in Psychology with wisdom gained from over 15 years of experience with yoga, meditation, counseling, detoxification and natural health into a wholisitic mind-body approach to deep personal transformation. I'm happy you're here and look forward to guiding you on your journey into living a High Vibe Life.

Transformational Power of The Pure Life Juice Cleanse

The Pure Life Juice Cleanse is a 3-in-one detoxification program designed to help you release the past, activate your inner power, discover your true purpose and transform your life.

On the physical level this cleanse helps you release excess weight, increase energy and supercharge your health. Detoxification is the foundation for elevating your health and life. It is the essential first step for alkalizing your system, promoting healing and preventing dis-ease.

Going deeper into the mental and emotional dimensions, cleansing is a time when we create space for deeper clarity, insights and wisdom to arise. 

The mind and body are intimately connected. There is a relationship between toxins and old stagnation in the body (mucoid plauque, accumulated fat, lymph and vascular obstructions, liver toxicity, etc.) and old mental/emotional patterns and beliefs that need to be released. 

As we give the body digestive rest, our energy can be redirected towards "digesting" issues that have been buried in the sub-conscious that are keeping us stuck in the past. 

If we approach cleansing the body with intention and conscious awareness, these issues can be encouraged to arise to be released and healed. This mental/emotional detox liberates massive amounts of energy for living our highest potential and consciously co-creating a high vibe life aligned with our deeper purpose.

With 3 cleanse levels to choose from, you will be guided through each step from how to prepare your body and mind, how much juice to drink (including recipes and a shopping guide), how to open the channels of elimination and how to support your body's natural detoxification.

We will cover ways to rejuvenate your liver and remove pathogens and mucoid plaque. I also offer bonus elements to accelerate results, easing detox symptoms (physical and emotional), and ways to properly transition after the cleanse.

This cleanse is the result of over 20 years of research combined with my degree in Psychology, countless hours of client health coaching and my personal life experience to create the ultimate life transformation experience. 

It  incorporates wellness protocols from the world's best healing and transformational wisdom for wholistic well being on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions.

I'm excited and honored to guide you on your Whole Being Wellness journey to living a High Vibe Life!


and ACCELERATE your positive life transformation with Siddheshwari's unique multidimensional approach to juice cleansing

Most people approach juice cleansing from the body perspective only. 

They wish to lean out, increase energy, prevent dis-ease and promote healing. This is great.. and cleansing can absolutely help you achieve these goals.

However, focusing only on the physical dimension has limited power and is rarely life changing.

This is because TRUE CHANGE happens first at the mental and emotional levels.

It's when you DIVE DEEPER into your mind and emotions, your habits, patterns, belief systems and subtle energy currents that real transformation can happen.

Doing the "inner work" is how you add rocket fuel to your cleanse to massively accelerate positive transformation on ALL levels. 

A juice cleanse is the PERFECT opportunity to press pause on the habitual life you've been living (or sleep-walking through), to refocus your energy, power and consciousness into the places that require it most. 

THIS is how you create positive transformation and elevate your life.

The Pure Life Juice Cleanse offers all the awesome regular benefits of physical detoxification and rejuvenation (and at a deeper level than most cleanses) PLUS it gives you an opportunity to face core issues that are holding you back so they can be cleared and your life can be empowered.

Join me as I guide you through a deep dive into the intelligent wisdom of your Body, Mind and Spirit to help you release the stagnant past and adventure into co-creating a beautiful High Vibe Life future!

"This experience has been nothing short of a total LIFE TRANSFORMATION!"

“This became a spiritual journey for me - an enlightenment, a love affair with myself and my higher power. My clarity, my strength, my happiness are my ultimate gains. The weight loss (97 lbs) was simply a natural side effect of getting healthy.

"Thank you Siddheshwari for helping me not just change my life but SAVE my life! You are a gift from the Universe! "

~ Celeste, High Vibe Lifestyle Program Graduate

Whole-Being Multidimensional Cleansing Benefits


  • Remove toxins

  • Release excess weight (fat)

  • Increase energy

  • Improve digestion and elimination

  • Alkalize your system to promote healing

  • Reverse dis-ease symptoms by addressing the cause

  • Boost hydration and healthy skin glow

  • Flood your body with living enzymes and nutrients


  • Reprogram healthy eating habits

  • Clear limiting beliefs and stuck emotional energy

  • Improve gut health, which directly affects mental health

  • Experience better cognitive function and clarity of focus

  • Experience more peace, contentment and ease


  • Connect with your intelligent body wisdom

  • Access your intuition and higher guidance

  • Rediscover your inspiration, passion and true purpose

  • Deepen your spiritual practice

How Does it Work?

3 Cleanse Levels:

LEVEL 1 ~ Basic: Ideal for first-time cleansers, this is the foundational (and simplest) cleanse protocol. Enjoy freshly-made juice exclusively, in unlimited quantities, PLUS methods to support your detox pathways (channels of elimination) and enhance your cleanse experience. (Recommended cleanse duration is 3 -7 days.)

LEVEL 2 ~ Liver Detox: Ideal for cleansers who are specifically interested in disease prevention and wish to take their detox to the next level. This cleanse level utilizes the famous Coffee Enema protocol, popularized by the late Dr. Max Gerson, founder of the Gerson Therapy.

With Dr. Gerson's radical success in reversing cancer and degenerative disease by focusing on liver detoxification and high-dose nutritional therapy (i.e. juicing) health-seekers world-wide are incorporating these two complementary protocols to super-charge their health and life transformation. Additional bonus protocols are included to help dissolve biofilms and unwanted pathogens. (Recommended cleanse duration is 7 days.)

Going Deeper: On the subtle or metaphysical level, the liver is connected with anger (irritability, frustration, etc) and the gallbladder (which is also cleansed via the coffee enemas) is connected with bitter feelings and resentment. Thus, cleansing the liver/gallbladder can help clear these emotions and bring more ease and peace into your life.

LEVEL 3 ~ Colon Cleanse: Ideal for experienced cleansers who are ready to go deeper. This cleanse targets the nasty sticky mucoid plaque that can be obstructing your proper nutrient absorption and host to parasites. It can also be adding several pounds of internal weight. I released 10 lbs of this stuff during my first few cleanses!

Unlike the other two levels, a time will come when this cleanse has achieved it's aim and is no longer required on a regular basis, especially if you are eating mostly or all raw.

Going Deeper: On the subtle or metaphysical level, the colon (large intestine) is associated with the subconscious mind. This cleanse helps bring up and clear stagnant subconscious beliefs and patters (especially if you are open to this and focusing  your intentions in this direction during your cleanse).

REPEAT CLEANSING:Detoxification is an ongoing process. With the 3 cleanse levels of the Pure Life Juice Cleanse, you are able to cycle through (in any order) the different cleanse levels periodically throughout the year to keep your body, mind and spirit tuned-up.

Cleansing 4 times per year is a good amount to aim for. This helps improve your eating habits between cleanses and the quality of your life overall.

What's Included:

Essential Cleanse Guide:

Clear instructions on exactly HOW to do each cleanse level with specific step-by-step details on each protocol.  

Guide Includes:

🌿 Message from Siddheshwari

🌿 Why the Pure Life Juice Cleanse is so Powerful

🌿 How it Works

🌿 Step 1: Choose Your Cleanse & Timing

🌿 Step 2: Gather Your Supplies

🌿 Step 3: Create Sacred Space

🌿 Step 4 Begin Your Cleanse (including an Optional Transition Diet Protocol, Essential Juicing Basics, Juice Recipes, Shopping List and guidance for Ending Your Cleanse Properly)

🌿 Step 5: Get Support

🌿 Step 6: Share Your Story

🌿 Step 7: Up-level Your Lifestyle


Included are 10 delicious tried and true juice recipes that taste great and will keep you satisfied (and entertained) throughout your cleanse adventure.

Plus recommendations on how much juice to drink PLUS a shopping guide to get you started.


Guidance and specific recommendations (with links) for EVERYTHING you require for a successful cleanse at any level.

This includes juicer comparisons and recommendations, helpful supplements, type of coffee to buy, bonus elements (like rebounders) and more!

Opening the Channels of Elimination:

How to support your body's natural detoxification pathways to ease any detox symptoms and facilitate a more productive cleanse experience for better and faster results.

Bonus Elements:

If you want to accelerate your cleanse and get the best results, I offer 11 bonus tips that can be incorporated anytime during your cleanse. They are optional and you can choose to focus on a few or incorporate them all.

Handling Detox Symptoms:

Information on how to handle both Physical & Emotional Detox. What to expect and ways to gracefully ease mild detox symptoms and face any emotional issues that arise to be healed.

Coffee Enema eBook:

Everything you need to know to do a coffee enema safely, comfortably and effectively at home. (For Level 2 Cleanse only)


Answers to the most common Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to be sure you have the clarity and confidence to cleanse successfully.


Expert guidance from Siddheshwari on how to get the most out of the Pure Life Juice Cleanse and deepen your cleanse experience on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Get Instant Access

Start your transformation and elevate your life today!

Medical Disclaimer: The statements on this site have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This information and the opinions contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements are opinion and not constituted as facts or medical evaluations. This material is for information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures described above. You are encouraged to make your own healthcare decisions based upon your research and partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.